Screening In Pregnancy: Dating Scan

Routine third trimester scanning of people whose pregnancies are progressing normally does not lead to healthier babies or fewer problems during labour and birth. If you want to find out the sex of your baby, you can usually do so during the 20-week mid-pregnancy scan but this depends on the policy of your hospital. Tell the sonographer at the start of the scan that you’d like to know your baby’s sex. Remember, an ultrasound scan is an important medical examination and it is treated in the same way as any other hospital investigation.

Will I have the scan at exactly 12 weeks into my pregnancy?

After this, a device called the transducer is gently navigated across the belly to do the mapping. You will need to drink water before the scan as a full bladder is one of the preconditions for taking this test. This is so because the bladder thrusts the uterus upwards giving the sonographer good visibility of the womb. You may also be offered a nuchal translucency test at this appointment. This is a measurement of the amount of fluid at the base of the baby’s neck and it can indicate a higher risk of Down’s syndrome.

Make sure eggs have got the red lion stamped on their shells as eggs produced under the British Lion Code of Practice are safe for pregnant women to eat raw or partially cooked. But avoid mousse, mayo and soufflés as you won’t know if the raw eggs come with the British Lion stamp. Cut back on caffeine as too much can cause a miscarriage or result in babies with low birth weights. It’s found in tea, chocolate, energy drinks and cola as well as coffee.

A dating ultrasound is a safe and non-invasive procedure that does not pose any known risks to the mother or the developing fetus. There are several important things to remember regarding ultrasound scans. You will be offered a scan at around 18–20 weeks’ gestation, which is also called the second trimester scan or morphology scan. If this occurs, you may be offered further scans, or more invasive tests such as amniocentesis, to see if the difference is caused by a genetic abnormality.

Your sonographer will usually ask you first, but if you’d prefer not to know make it clear at the start of your scan. Bear in mind that their prediction cannot be 100% accurate. When there are multiple babies there is a higher risk of complications during labour and birth so you will be advised to give birth in hospital. You will be spoke to about vaginal birth and cesarean birth with twins so you can make a choice of which you would like to plan for. During a transvaginal ultrasound, the patient lies down on an examination table with her feet in stirrups. The ultrasound technician inserts a small, lubricated, wand-shaped transducer into the vagina to capture images of the uterus and the pregnancy.

Please tick if you would like to receive news, offers and information from our trusted and carefully selected partners that we think you might like. “Having a scan can be very emotional,” says Jane Fisher, director of the testing-support charity Antenatal Results and Choices . MFM forum user BL Rosie found seeing those first images overwhelmingly joyful. ” she says.”The baby was so active, stretching and kicking.” “All being well, you’re likely to see your baby moving around. And, if the pregnancy is progressing well, you’ll also see a clear heartbeat.” This scan can detect some health conditions, such as spina bifida.

NHS inform

This is always something to keep in mind when preparing for your scan. During an abdominal ultrasound, the patient lies down on an examination table and exposes her abdomen. The ultrasound technician applies a gel to the abdomen and moves a handheld transducer over the skin to capture images of the uterus and the pregnancy. The patient may feel some mild pressure or discomfort during the procedure, but it is generally painless.

“They come in and say ‘Oh, I drank 10 glasses of water,’” she says. “It will show the baby better, but you can actually be too full.” Not only will you have to pee before the scan is over but it’s also not necessary. Besides, if you’re really early on in your pregnancy, you will probably end up getting a transvaginal scan anyway, which doesn’t require a full bladder or any preparation. Your 12-week ultrasound scan is the 1st of the 2 routine pregnancy scans you’re offered on the NHS.

Screening for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome

A dating scan is an ultrasound scan done between 8 and 14 weeks of pregnancy to help estimate your baby’s due date. In early pregnancy, most babies of the same gestational age are about the same size. A dating scan measures your baby and this helps your doctor estimate how long you have been pregnant, and when your baby is due. Not everyone needs a dating scan, but they can be very helpful if you aren’t sure when you conceived. Dating scans, are just one of your pregnancy scans and are offered between 8 and 14 weeksto literally ‘date’ the pregnancy, check how many babies you are carrying and also check baby’s development.

This type of scan will allow the sonographer to get closer to your baby. • Show the placenta positioning – The 12-week scan will also check the location of your placenta to ensure placenta praevia is not a concern. “But by the time that show ended its run, she did obtain five special real-life friends, a permanent place in America’s heart, and what we in the business refer to as ‘Seinfeld’ money.”

The Fetal Medicine Centre actively supports the aims of the Fetal Medicine Foundation in terms of its research objectives. Anonymised data that we obtain will routinely be provided to the FMF for research purposes. If you have any concerns about this please contact us and we can help explain the options that are available to you.

From 38 weeks, discuss prolonged pregnancy and options on how to manage this, in line with the NICE guideline on inducing labour. If breech presentation is suspected on abdominal palpation, offer an ultrasound scan to determine the presentation. For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the rationale and impact section on monitoring fetal growth and wellbeing. Consider reviewing the woman’s previous medical records if needed, including records held by other healthcare providers. Ensure that there is effective and prompt communication between healthcare professionals who are involved in the woman’s care during pregnancy.

By 20 weeks, most pregnant people will have already had their first ultrasound, but in rare cases, the 20-week ultrasound, also known as the anatomy scan, is the first. An ultrasound is a painless diagnostic test that most people receive at least once during routine prenatal care. High-frequency sound waves travel into the uterus, then bounce back off the embryo or fetus as vibrations. The echoes are translated into electrical signals that are projected as black-and-white pictures on a monitor.

The length of pregnancy can be affected by many factors including genetics, ethnicity and length of the menstrual cycle. Charting temperature, monitoring mucus, using ovulation test kits and knowing times when you could have conceived, or having conceived by IVF may mean you have your own information about when you became pregnant. The two scans that you have through the NHS are free, but there may be a charge for print-outs and multiple copies of your scan photos.



